Does vertigo ever go away permanently?

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asked May 7, 2020 in Diseases Conditions by XHnuts888 (3,860 points)
Does vertigo ever go away permanently?

1 Answer

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answered May 8, 2020 by Lescord (890 points)
Vertigo does not usually ever go away permanently but some people have reported that they stopped experiencing vertigo eventually.

Vertigo is usually a problem with the inner ear and the vertigo can come and go overtime.

It's rare that the vertigo goes away permanently.

Most cases of vertigo usually go away within a few days and then usually after about 1 to 2 weeks the vertigo usually goes away fully for at least a little while.

Then the vertigo may come back a few weeks later or a month or two later depending on the cause of the vertigo.

Most cases of vertigo are not dangerous and are just more annoying than anything.

However there are some cases of vertigo that can be dangerous to some people especially if the vertigo is related to brain issues.

If the vertigo is caused by inner ear problems then it usually is not dangerous.

But if the vertigo is caused by brain problems then it can be dangerous and cause things such as double vision, slurred speech, weakness or numbness of the face, clumsiness, and falls.

If you do have those issues when the vertigo or it seems to get worse then see a doctor about it or go to urgent care of it gets serious enough go to the emergency room.

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