Are you still waiting on your IRS Stimulus Payment?

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asked May 7, 2020 in Other-Finance by NRWolfe (680 points)
Are you still waiting on your IRS Stimulus Payment?

I have been waiting for about 2 weeks now for my IRS Stimulus payment and have not heard anything back from the IRS or have gotten any money from the IRS for my Stimulus payment.

How long did it take you to get your IRS Stimulus Payment?

1 Answer

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answered May 7, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
I had to wait 3 weeks to get my IRS Stimulus Payment once I signed up for it.

So you will have to be patient and since the IRS get my payment page only updates overnight then you should only check once in the morning or once per day.

Checking more often will not update the results.

I was getting anxious about my IRS Stimulus Payment as well and was worried I would not get it.

However after 3 weeks I got the IRS Stimulus Payment in my bank account.

Some people get the IRS Stimulus payment through their bank account and some people get their IRS Stimulus payment through a paper check that is mailed to them.

Many people are still waiting on their IRS Stimulus payment so it's best to just be patient.

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