Can H pylori come back?

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asked May 7, 2020 in Diseases Conditions by Chambliss (51,900 points)
Can H pylori come back?

2 Answers

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answered May 7, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
Yes it is possible for H Pylori to come back within 6 months to a year or 2 years after treatment to make the H Pylori go away.

Some people get the treatment for the H Pylori and it never comes back but some people have reported that the H Pylori has come back.

H Pylori is rarely fatal or rarely causes more complications as long as you get treatment for the H Pylori.

If left untreated the H Pylori can lead to infections which can then lead to stomach cancer and then when you get stomach cancer from the H Pylori then you can die from it.

So it's important to get treated for the H Pylori and the sooner the better.

If the H Pylori is left untreated and gets worse then you could potentially die from the H Pylori.

If treated then you should not die from the H Pylori.

The H Pylori is a type of bacteria that causes the bacteria and germs to enter your body and live in your digestive tract.

If untreated after many years the H Pylori can cause sores, called ulcers, in the lining of your stomach or the upper part of your small intestine.

When that happens it can cause an infection that can lead to stomach cancer.

The Stomach Cancer would be what actually kills you and not actually the H Pylori.
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answered Apr 27, 2024 by CarkHubbard (12,360 points)
Helicobacter breath smells like urine or ammonia and can cause inflammation and ulcers and lead to stomach cancer in some cases.

Pylori or H. Pylori poop is normal color brown poop although in severe cases it may change in color to black, tarry or dark and if so you should see a doctor.

H. pylori poop looks like normal poop but it can sometimes look dark, black, tarry or have blood in it and in that cases you should call your doctor right away or seek medical attention.

The first symptoms of H. pylori include.

Unintentional weight loss.
Frequent burping or belching.
Loss of appetite.
Stomach pain which might become worse when your stomach is empty.
And an ache or burning pain in your abdomen or stomach.

H. Pylori or Helicobacter pylori which was also previously known as Campylobacter pylori, is a gram-negative, flagellated, helical bacterium.

Mutants can have a rod or curved rod shape, and these are less effective.

H. pylori is a very common type of bacteria which attacks the stomach lining.

The H. pylori bacteria is usually passed from person to person.

And most H. pylori infections are harmless, however the bacteria is to blame for most peptic stomach ulcers, and if it's not treated, it could be a risk factor for stomach cancer.

The treatment for H. pylori usually includes several medicines.

At least two of the medicines for H. pylori are antibiotics that help to kill the bacteria.

The other medication  for H. pylori causes the stomach to make less acid; lower acid levels help the ulcer to heal.

Most people are cured of H. pylori after finishing two weeks of medicine.

If you have an active ulcer as a result of an H. pylori infection, you might have blood in your poop.

And in most cases, the blood appears very dark — almost black.

Your poop might have a tarry appearance or consistency.

If you have bloody poop, you should call a doctor or seek medical attention right away so they can get any bleeding under control.

Blood tests for H pylori can only tell if your body has H pylori antibodies.

It cannot tell if you have a current infection or how long you have had it.

This is because the test can be positive for years, even if the infection is cured.

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