How much does it cost to fuel a 747?

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asked May 6, 2020 in Aircraft by Bflogal (400 points)
How much does it cost to fuel a 747?

1 Answer

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answered May 6, 2020 by Aydenswe (540 points)
The cost to fuel a 747 Jet Plane varies depending on the current cost of Jet Fuel.

A 747 Jet Plane holds around 63,000 gallons of fuel so it costs quite a bit to fill the 63,000 Jet Fuel tank on a 747 Jet plane.

If the cost of Jet Fuel is $2.00 per gallon then it would cost $126,000.00 to fill the Jet Planes fuel tank.

If the cost was higher for the fuel then it would cost around $200,000.00 to fill or fuel a 747 Jet Plane.

You have to be rich or have the money rolling in to be able to afford the fuel alone for the 747 Jet Plane.

The cost of the plane is just barely the cost of owning a 747 plane.

You will have to make enough money to cover the cost of the Jet Fuel.

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