USPS Tracking Stuck On Shipment Received Package Acceptance Pending

+1 vote
asked May 6, 2020 in USPS by Hodown173 (1,820 points)
USPS Tracking Stuck On Shipment Received Package Acceptance Pending?

I've been tracking a package that has said that the package has been received but the package acceptance is pending?

Has anyone else here experienced this issue where the USPS tracking says Shipment Received Package Acceptance Pending?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 6, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
With USPS tracking the Shipment Received Package Acceptance Pending usually means the package was delivered to the counter of the post office where a postal employee scanned the package.

Then when the package gets to a sorting facility it should update that it's on the way to the sorting facility or say something similar.

Sometimes the tracking with USPS may stay stuck on Shipment Received Package Acceptance Pending until it gets near you.

Sometimes I've had packages shipped through USPS stay stuck on the Shipment Received Package Acceptance Pending until it got to my local post office.

It can be frustrating but if the package says the above then the package was indeed shipped and on it's way to you.

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