Should I walk on a sprained ankle if it hurts?

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asked May 4, 2020 in Pain by marsiamars (450 points)
Should I walk on a sprained ankle if it hurts?

2 Answers

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answered May 4, 2020 by earog (580 points)
If your sprained ankle hurts then it's best to not walk much or at all on the sprained ankle until the pain goes away.

Having pain with the sprained ankle means that the sprained ankle is still healing and if you walk too soon on the sprained ankle it can lead to more injury of the sprained ankle.

Then you may take longer to heal.

So if you're experiencing too much pain with the sprained ankle then avoid walking too much or at all.

If you do need to walk then use some crutches and keep the weight off the ankle that has been sprained until the pain goes away.

If the pain of the sprained ankle gets worse then see a doctor or go to urgent care or the emergency room to get checked out.
0 votes
answered May 20, 2020 by Djonatan (2,260 points)

Did your doctor mention special orthopedic bandages that can reduce pain? I know that my father has such an orthopedic sock , this helps him get rid of completely or at least reduce the pain in the joint. It seems to me that you need to learn more about how it works and talk with your doctor about how to use it in order to reduce the load and get rid of pain in the sore joint.

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