How many miles should you walk in a day?

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asked Apr 27, 2020 in Other- Health by veuvegirl (340 points)
How many miles should you walk in a day?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 29, 2020 by liana (37,450 points)
The amount of miles you should aim to walk for each day to stay healthy and fit is around 1.5 miles to 2 miles.

Any walking is better than no walking but the more you can walk the healthier and more fit you will be.

A body in motion stays in motion and so you may live a longer healthier life when you walk at least 1 mile to 2 miles each day.

In 1.5 miles there are around 3,000 steps and in 2 miles there are around 4,000 steps.

A good way to tell how many steps you are walking each day is to get a pedometer to measure your steps.

Aim to walk at least 3,000 steps in a day but the more the better.

You can easily rack of those steps of walking just walking down some trails, walking to the grocery store, walking in Walmart and other stores etc.

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