Does your body burn more calories when you are sick?

+1 vote
asked Apr 16, 2020 in Weight Loss/Dieting by myscratchset (310 points)
Does your body burn more calories when you are sick?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Apr 17, 2020 by Kjstyraud (520 points)
Yes when your body is sick your body burns more calories.

The reason your body burns more calories when you are sick is because when you're sick your body uses more energy and when your body uses more energy your body then burns more calories.

Also when you're sick you usually lose your appetite and do not want to eat any food so your calories will be less that you consume.

When that happens then your body uses the energy from your fat to produce the energy to keep it working and thriving.

So you do burn a small amount of calories when you're sick.

Although you likely won't notice much weight loss by the calories that are burnt when you are sick but you do burn small amounts of calories when you're sick.
+1 vote
answered Apr 17, 2020 by AdamJane (560 points)

When you are sick, the most important thing is not to forget to eat and what to eat, there isn’t much to eat from the fact that the temperature rises in appetite, but your body burns calories to fight the disease. In general, without getting sick and it's time to get healthy, I can offer an excellent allowance or rather a home guide how to stay strong!

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