What kind of game package I should buy ?

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asked Apr 6, 2020 in Answerpail by PamelaPearson (140 points)

3 Answers

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answered Apr 6, 2020 by anthonywolfe (180 points)

Nowadays computer games cost almost $ 40 per title. So, it is always better to download the trial version and check it out whether you get a feel for the game or not. Keeping the user's choice and view point, the manufactures have offered this facility. With the help of the The Wario Land free kids' computer games download you can easily find it out whether it will be beneficial for your child or not. And accordingly you can purchase it later on.

commented Jul 1, 2020 by LForward1 (460 points)
U probably right.. I think that video game industry has been changed a lot from the start..
commented Jul 1, 2020 by SquareF (680 points)
edited Jul 2, 2020 by SquareF
Yeah. A lot of AAA video games nowadays costs more than $40. I believe that the newer games which are highly expected cost $60. It's a lot! U know, that I'm thinking that it's better when each video game has Demo version for a couple of hours. It's god damn great idea as I think, but it's sad that devs don't have to use such offer since for them the money is a №1 thing. Indeed it's kinda sad.. Actually, I don't like to play in the paid games, that's why I'm playing in Free to Play video games like CS: GO that is closer to my idea. I've spent a lot of hours in this video game, however, I don't like the idea of the ranking of the profile. The process requires a lot of personal time, in order to get the high rank. However, my friend that gambles in CS: GO, told me about the service which is the fastest csgo boosting https://csgo-boosters.com . This boosting can raise the profile rank and require not too much money for it.. It's great that there are such services, however, I don't like to pay for the video games that are free..
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answered Jan 25, 2022 by Cq1 (1,750 points)

I don't know, as for me, I love playing in ordinary card games and I don't really understand why everyone is so obsessed with computer ones... Spades is my favorite one and here you may learn more about bidding and other important rules in case you are interested in this stuff too. Good luck guys.

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answered Feb 11, 2023 by Lamaysor (2,660 points)

I've been playing computer games for years, ever since they first appeared. I've tried all kinds of games, but puzzles suit me best. I also tried gambling, but it wasn't for me. Lately I play worldle, the essence of the game is described on the website. The game is very addictive that you can not be distracted.

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