Can a mailman carry a gun?

+1 vote
asked Apr 6, 2020 in USPS by anniiback (230 points)
Can a mailman carry a gun?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 6, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
Mailman or anyone working for the USPS cannot carry a gun or other weapon on postal property or while working.

So you cannot carry a gun as a mailman delivering mail in a postal truck that is owned by the USPS.

However if you're using your own vehicle to deliver mail then technically and legally you could carry the gun around in your own vehicle while having it concealed.

As long as you have a concealed carry permit then you can legally carry a gun inside your own vehicle even when working with the USPS delivering mail.

A friend of mine who works with the USPS and delivers mail in her own truck carries a gun with her in her vehicle and so far she has not had to use it.

But she has it just in case.

The worse that would happen is she gets fired if she had to use it and they found out she was carrying a gun.

But that would be the least of her worries as long as she was safe.
0 votes
answered Oct 27, 2020 by anonymous
Carrying firearms requires a permit. Also, you need to remember to have a good gun mount. Many people I know use a pistol holster, and I love the weapon belt. I've spent far less time and money looking for a leather gun strap than many other concealed carry options. The gun strap solves the real problems of concealed carry, such as durability and safety, but it also needs to be comfortable, I bought myself this . I love it, it looks stylish.
0 votes
answered Oct 27, 2020 by Aarttoos (2,910 points)
Mailmen and postal employees are not allowed to carry guns with them.

Although I believe they should be trained in Firearm use and be able to carry a gun for safety.

But as of now they are not allowed to carry guns when on the job.

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