Will diesel kill weeds?

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asked Apr 5, 2020 in Other-Home/Garden by Finsenator (300 points)
Will diesel kill weeds?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 7, 2020 by Shelde (51,110 points)
Yes diesel fuel will kill weeds.

Diesel fuel is toxic to weeds and will kill any weed that you put the diesel fuel on.

However be aware that if you do use diesel fuel to kill weeds that if the diesel fuel comes into contact with the grass and other plants around it or near the weed then the plants or grass will also die as well.

Diesel fuel not only kills weeds but diesel fuel can also kill grass and plants so be careful if you do use diesel to kill weeds.

You can also use bleach to kill weeds or even use vinegar, dish soap and salt mixed together.

Vinegar also kills weeds if you spray straight white vinegar onto the weeds.

Gasoline is another option and if you have some older gasoline that you need to dispose of anyway then pouring the old gasoline on the weeds can kill them.

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