How much water does it take to irrigate an acre of corn?

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asked Apr 5, 2020 in Gardening by Finsenator (300 points)
How much water does it take to irrigate an acre of corn?

1 Answer

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answered Apr 7, 2020 by Shelde (51,110 points)
Watering or irrigating one acre of corn takes a lot of water.

It takes 27,154 gallons of water to irrigate one acre of corn with just one inch of water.

Corn needs around 1 inch of water minimum per acre to grow properly.

So in a month that one acre of corn can use up to 1 million gallons of water per month to irrigate just one acre of corn.

Corn takes a lot of water to grow properly and failure to water the corn often enough or put enough water out on the corn can lead to the corn crop dying.

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