What are some fun indoor activities to do inside during winter?

0 votes
asked Oct 21, 2016 in Weather by Hulio (140 points)
Winter is almost here and so will the ice and snow.

Sometimes it gets so bad that I'm unable to get out of my house for a few days.

What are some fun indoor activities that I can do inside the house to keep from being bored?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Oct 21, 2016 by Tansinator (1,920 points)
You could do puzzles, color in coloring books, read. Clean the house, watch movies.
0 votes
answered Dec 5, 2016 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
There are lots of things you can do to keep busy in the winter.

Here's a list.

1: Bake cookies
2. Play a board game
3. Build a blanket fort
4. Go through your boxes of photos
5. Clean out your fridge
6. Re-arrange your cupboards
7. Switch up your home decorations
8. Have a movie marathon
9. Make dinner together as a family
10. Have an indoor Olympics
11. Watch home movies
12. Read a good book
13. Do a craft
14. Make something in the crock pot
15. Do a work out video
16. Color – adult coloring books are all the rage now!
17. Play cards
18. Play hide and seek
19. Play flashlight tag
20. Have a scavenger hunt
21. Break out the knitting/sewing/crocheting you’ve been putting off
22. Write a letter to a friend (or a Facebook message)
23. Take a bubble bath
24. Update your address book
25. Make a “campsite” inside
26. Have an indoor picnic
27. Give yourself a facial
28. Drink some tea
29. Do yoga
30. Put on a good album and dance around the house

Hope that helps
0 votes
answered Jan 26, 2020 by kesteer (4,670 points)

I like designing and crafting different things like lapel pins, for example. I use the service from https://www.pinsource.com/custom-lapel-pins/die-struck which is a very nice and helpful one. I am sure that you will like it for you too, have a look ;)

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