Has a sloth ever killed a human?

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asked Mar 28, 2020 in Polls/Surveys by 7238q23o (300 points)
Has a sloth ever killed a human?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 28, 2020 by jecterj898 (500 points)
Sloths do have the ability to attack and kill a human if need be in defense.

However most sloths will do there best to avoid humans and other things they see as a threat because the main defense of a sloth is to avoid being preyed on or attacked.

But if they do need to defend themselves by attacking the human or other animal they can and will attack using their claws.

The sloth will defend themselves by slashing out at a predator with their huge claws or biting with their sharp cheek teeth.

Humans have also killed and eaten sloths for food years ago.

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