How old can giraffes have babies?

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asked Mar 27, 2020 in Science by ander5666 (400 points)
How old can giraffes have babies?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 27, 2020 by Shelde (49,390 points)
Giraffes usually mate and have baby giraffes once they reach 3 years old to 4 years old.

When giraffes reach 3 to 4 years old the giraffe reaches sexual maturity which is when they begin mating and having sex and making babies.

Some giraffes have babies as early as age 3 years old while other giraffes may not be ready to have babies until around 4 years old.

Most giraffes have around 10 baby giraffes in it's lifetime.

The way that giraffes give birth to baby giraffes is give birth is while standing up so a calf giraffe enters the world from quite a height.

The baby giraffe will fall 6 feet to the ground with hooves and head first and then after the giraffe calf drops to the ground, the mother giraffe will begin to clean it off, and after a few minutes, the giraffe calf will attempt its first steps.

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