Can high oil pressure damage an engine?

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asked Mar 22, 2020 in Other-Cars/Transportation by bethsshe909 (300 points)
Can high oil pressure damage an engine?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 23, 2020 by Essmann (42,860 points)
High engine oil pressure should not damage the engine itself but the high oil pressure can damage seals that seal in the oil in the engine.

When the oil seals on the engine get damaged due to the high engine oil pressure then the oil can leak out of the engine.

Then if you lose most of your engine oil then the engine can seize up when it's not lubricated.

Yes high oil pressure in an engine can cause oil leaks in the engine.

Engine oil pressure readings are usually between 25 PSI to 65 PSI but some vehicles just have a high and low oil pressure reading gauge.

When your engine oil pressure gets too high the oil pressure can cause the engine oil seals to push out and then leak.

So if your engine oil pressure gets above 65 PSI then the oil pressure is usually getting too high and if the oil pressure does not drop back down to 65 PSI or below then you need to have the vehicle checked out.

Sometimes the problem may just be the oil pressure sending unit that has gone bad and causing a high reading on the oil pressure.

Most times though an engine gets low oil pressure and not too high oil pressure so if your oil pressure reading is too high it's usually the oil pressure sending unit that is at fault.

Watch for any oil leaks though if your engine oil pressure still reads high.

I would recommend changing out the oil pressure sending unit which on most cars and trucks is pretty easy but some oil

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