Is a car backfiring dangerous?

0 votes
asked Mar 22, 2020 in Safety by bethsshe909 (300 points)
Is a car backfiring dangerous?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 23, 2020 by Essmann (42,860 points)
A car backfiring is not dangerous to you or people in the vehicle.

However the car backfiring is dangerous overtime to the engine and if the car continues to backfire you could damage the engine and need the engine rebuilt or have a new engine installed.

The engine backfiring is due to fuel that is left in the engine cylinder that is not burnt yet.

When you shut the engine off then that excess fuel is then suddenly burnt causing the explosion in the engine cylinder known as a backfire.

The backfire can be scary for people but it's not dangerous to anyone around it.

Some things that can cause backfiring are, bad spark plugs, bad ignition coils, engine timing off, bad oxygen sensors, too much fuel getting into the cylinders, bad fuel injectors as well as intake manifold leaks.

Vacuum leaks can also be a cause of engine backfire.

And you should get the vehicle checked out to prevent damage to the engine.

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