Should I put Heet in my gas tank?

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asked Mar 22, 2020 in Repairs/Maintenance by bethsshe909 (300 points)
Should I put Heet in my gas tank?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 23, 2020 by Essmann (42,860 points)
Yes you should put Heet fuel additive into your gas tank at every other fill up or every fill up during the winter months when it's cold.

The Heet helps remove any moisture and water from the gas that gets into the gas tank naturally which prevents the fuel lines from freezing up.

The Heet that removes the water droplets helps to also prevent problems with your car stuttering and stalling.

I use Heet fuel additive every fill up during cold weather and it does help a lot.

It's not all that expensive and prevents problems if you're living in a cold climate.

Also if you let your vehicle sit for awhile such as longer than a few weeks then put some Heet into the gas tank to avoid water and moisture from getting into your fuel system.

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