Dental implants are much better than dentures because they implanted into your gums and act like and feel like your real natural teeth.
Also with dental implants you do not need to remove them and clean them but you still need to clean your dental implants like you did with your natural teeth.
Dental Implants are basically permanent teeth that should last for the rest of your life.
With Dentures you have to put them in your mouth and remove them when you do not and they feel more uncomfortable.
With dental implants they are permanently affixed to your gums.
Dental Implants are more expensive than a set of dentures though so sometimes dentures may be your only option.
Dental Implants are much better than dentures however the dental implants are more expensive than dentures are.
A single dental implant can cost between $3,000.00 to $4,000.00 so yes that is expensive.
Dentures for all teeth range in cost of $3,000.00 to $4,000.00 but if you can afford to have the dental implants then the dental implants would be much better.
However if you do want a full set of dental implants they can cost as much as $30,000.00 to $90,000.00 depending on the dental implants and the dentist who does it.
Some dental insurance plans may cover at least part of the cost for dental implants but not all of them will.
Most times the entire dental implant procedure comes directly out of the patients pocket.