Can dogs eat popsicles?

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asked Mar 17, 2020 in Dogs by GageEngland (400 points)
Can dogs eat popsicles?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 17, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
Dogs can eat popsicles as long as the popsicles do not contain the dangerous additive xylitol which is a sugar alcohol that's toxic to dogs.

Never give your dog any sugar free popsicles because they contain the xylitol additive which is toxic to dogs but not humans.

It's basically an artificial sweetener that can kill a dog so make sure that it doesn't contain any xylitol and the dog cane safely eat the popsicles.

If you make homemade popsicles then you know what ingredients you put in them and they will not contain any xylitol so the dog can safely eat popsicles.

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