Is milk good for acid reflux?

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asked Mar 11, 2020 in Other- Health by flagggy (330 points)
Is milk good for acid reflux?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 12, 2020 by Essmann (42,860 points)
Milk can be good for acid reflux and can help settle the stomach acid so that the acid reflux is relieved at least for awhile.

When drinking milk for acid reflux you should drink non fat milk as the regular milk could actually increase the stomach acid although it works temporarily.

So when you have acid reflux you should drink the non fat milk which can help ease the stomach acid that causes the acid reflux.

I drink the non fat version of milk when I have acid reflux flaring up and it helps the stomach acid buildup go away and I feel much better afterwards.

Caffeine Free Herbal Tea is also good for acid reflux or even peppermint tea as well.

Taking some acid reflux medicine that you can get over the counter also is a good idea to help get rid of the acid reflux.

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