Can a pet rabbit live alone?

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asked Mar 11, 2020 in Other- Pets by flagggy (330 points)
Can a pet rabbit live alone?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 12, 2020 by Essmann (42,860 points)
A pet rabbit can live alone just fine but pet rabbits do much better when they live around or among other rabbits.

The rabbit will feel much better and be happier when you have the rabbit with other rabbits.

I've had one pet rabbit as a kid and the rabbit did just fine because I spent a lot of time with the rabbit and showed him love and the rabbit showed me love back.

As long as you can spend some time with the rabbit and take care of the rabbit properly then the pet rabbit should do just fine alone.

The rabbit may eventually get used to being alone but I would recommend having at least one other rabbit so that the rabbit can have the company of another rabbit as they seem to be more happy when they are around at least another rabbit.

That is true especially if the rabbit has to be left alone for awhile.

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