Are brain tumors curable?

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asked Mar 9, 2020 in Diseases Conditions by Dianageen (350 points)
Are brain tumors curable?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 10, 2020 by Glendiana (340 points)
Some brain tumors can be cured if the brain tumor is treated soon enough through brain surgery.

Brain surgery can be dangerous and you could die on the operating table when having brain surgery but you also will die if the brain tumor is not removed and cured.

If the brain tumor has gotten too big then it may not be able to be safely removed from the persons brain.

So in that case the brain tumor is usually left in the brain and the person dies a few years to 5 years later.

But if the brain tumor is small and not grown too big then the brain tumor can usually be removed safely and then the person lives a normal life.

Grade I brain Tumors can be removed and cured through surgery and has a higher survival rate than Grade II brain tumors.

The brain tumor cells grow and spread more slowly than grade III and IV brain tumors.

The brain tumors may spread into nearby tissue and may recur and come back and if it's a IV grade brain tumor those brain tumors cannot usually be cured.

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