Do Hot air balloons fly better in hot or cold weather?

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asked Mar 4, 2020 in Science by accountis123 (300 points)
Do Hot air balloons fly better in hot or cold weather?

2 Answers

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answered Mar 5, 2020 by fahad123 (380 points)
Hot air balloons fly much better when the air is cold and not hot.

So when you want a hot air balloon to fly the best it's best to go up in the hot air balloon during cold weather but it's much nicer to be up in a hot air balloon when it's warm or hot weather.

But if you want the best performance from a hot air balloon flying in cold weather in the hot air balloon is much better.

The reason that hot air balloons fly much better and operate much better in the cold weather instead of the hot weather is because of the temperature difference that occurs between the inside and the outside of the hot air balloon.

This temperature difference between the inside and the outside of the hot air balloon is what determines the lift that the hot air balloon develops.
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answered Jun 10, 2022 by Tilman (4,050 points)

Hello everyone, helium balloons have been actively used for many years for a wide variety of purposes: gifts, photo shoots, decorating outdoor and indoor objects. Many people think that there is a sharp temperature drop or a negative temperature on the thermometer, then it is impossible to use balloons and they will definitely burst. This can happen if you inflate balloons with ordinary air, in the usual way in a warm room, and then abruptly transfer them to a fifteen-degree frost, and then bring them back into a warm room. Unfortunate accidents can be avoided by using high quality foil or latex balloons. If you are interested, has a fairly large selection of such balloons in different colors that you can order with delivery.

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