What is the average Hertz a human can hear?

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asked Mar 3, 2020 in Science by Mazday765 (220 points)
What is the average Hertz a human can hear?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 5, 2020 by fahad123 (380 points)
Humans have the ability to hear in the low range of 12 Hertz and up to as high as 28,000 Hertz.

However most humans which hear around 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz.

If you have some hearing loss then you will hear less Hertz sound than a person with good hearing.

Also some people have the ability to hear lower frequency sounds than other humans and some other humans can hear higher frequency sounds.

For example my Father says he could hear a high pitched sound coming from the old CRT TV we used to have in our living room.

And I and nobody else seemed to be able to hear that sound.

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