What is the difference between heartburn and chest pain?

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asked Feb 29, 2020 in Pain by nefelippo (460 points)
What is the difference between heartburn and chest pain?

3 Answers

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answered Mar 4, 2020 by 34niceiceboxc (400 points)

The main difference between heartburn and chest pain is that with heartburn you might experience chest pain but the cause with heart burn is usually things such as Acid Reflux.

While chest pain can be a symptom of heart burn that can sometimes feel like the chest pain that comes along with a heart attack the heart burn chest pain is less serious.

With heartburn you do not experience breathlessness, numbing of the arm or other serious problems.

Heartburn also tends to be worse at night or when lying down while a heart attack can happen at anytime.

If you think you're having a heart attack or you think someone is having a heart attack call 911 because a heart attack requires medical attention immediately.

Some heart attacks can be silent and some people die of heart attacks without having any warning.

But some symptoms of a heart attack include the following, Lightheadedness or sudden dizziness, Cold Sweat, Fatigue, Shortness Of Breath and Nausea, indigestion, heartburn or abdominal Pain.

Some other symptoms of a heart attack are pressure, tightness, pain, or a squeezing or aching sensation in your chest or arms that may spread to your neck, jaw or back.

If you experience any of those symptoms or someone else is experiencing any of the above symptoms of a heart attack call 911 right away.

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answered Nov 29, 2020 by Tarator (1,800 points)
Heartburn can sometimes feel like chest pain that a heart attack feels like but not all chest pain is serious.

Even being stressed out can cause chest pain or when you laugh hard or strain yourself you can get chest pain.

If you're worried though then seek medical attention just to be safe.
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answered Dec 3, 2020 by Djonatan (2,260 points)

When you have severe heartburn, it's very much like chest pain. This is familiar to me. I have suffered from GERD for 6 long years. The pills helped relieve my symptoms for a while, but they didn't solve my heartburn and belching problem. Frequent use of an acid-reducing agent for digestion can cause cancer and also has a temporary effect, so I decided that in this case it would be more effective to use reflux surgery. It's a simple surgery that helps to relieve the symptoms of GERD forever and improves digestion. Right now I have no problem with heartburn, belching or bloating.

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