Does chocolate stain your teeth?

+1 vote
asked Feb 27, 2020 in Dental by Gonzales (310 points)
Does chocolate stain your teeth?
commented Feb 28, 2020 by Pojiloy (260 points)
It all depends what type of chocolate you usually eat. Milk chocolate has many chemicals, sugar, milk  which can cause deep stains and only the professional cleaning  can remove them. Dark or raw chocolates are totally a different story. It has many antioxidants and polyphenols that stop certain bacteria to grow and stain your teeth. Also, it can neutralize microorganisms which cause the bad breath. In fact, raw chocolate improves skin health and appearance. All in all, all the sweets, and raw chocolate isn’t an excuse,  should be eaten in moderate quantities. Also, brushing the teeth after eating chocolate must be a mandatory activity. Raw chocolate is the best decision when it comes to sweets.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Feb 28, 2020 by SquareF (680 points)
Chocolate can harm your oral health in more ways than one. Even if you ignore the fact that there is a huge amount of sugar in the average chocolate or the fact that it tends to stick to teeth, there is still the issue of staining. Dark chocolate contains theobromine, which helps strengthen the enamel, and has less sugar, so it is a safer option. However, that is not the case with milk chocolates, they can cause bad breath because it contains sugar and milk.

Also, the added colors and dark berries further add to the risk of discoloration. Just like red wine, dark berries have really powerful pigments, and it only takes a few bites to darken your teeth.

I would advise you to rinse your teeth every time you consume chocolate. Moreover, you will also need to brush your teeth twice a day for at least for 2 minutes each.

As a prevention one should avoid or control foods and beverages that can stain teeth. Any types of foods and beverages that would leave stain marks on a piece of white clothing – a hint of yellow color even after washing it, can be considered staining foods. Basically, if you find it difficult to remove the stains from a piece of clothing, it would be difficult removing that stain from your teeth as well.
0 votes
answered Feb 28, 2020 by Cicero (4,320 points)
Eating chocolate or drinking chocolate milk etc can sometimes stain some peoples teeth.

But as long as you make sure to brush your teeth daily then you should not really have much if any problem from the chocolate staining your teeth.

You can use those teeth whitening strips as well as brush your teeth with some hydrogen peroxide as well as baking soda to help clean your teeth.
0 votes
answered Feb 29, 2020 by LForward1 (460 points)

It all depends what type of chocolate you usually eat. Milk chocolate has many chemicals, sugar, milk  which can cause deep stains and only the professional cleaning  can remove them. Dark or raw chocolates are totally a different story. It has many antioxidants and polyphenols that stop certain bacteria to grow and stain your teeth. Also, it can neutralize microorganisms which cause the bad breath. In fact, raw chocolate improves skin health and appearance. All in all, all the sweets, and raw chocolate isn’t an excuse,  should be eaten in moderate quantities. Also, brushing the teeth after eating chocolate must be a mandatory activity. Raw chocolate is the best decision when it comes to sweets.

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