Oil Filled Electric Space Heater Makes Cracking and Popping Noises

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asked Oct 13, 2016 in Maintenance/Repairs by Tansinator (1,920 points)
I have an oil filled electric space heater that I've had for 3 years. Today I noticed that it made a popping sound after I shut it off.

Is this anything to be concerned about?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 14, 2016 by chad (14,670 points)
No need to worry. It's perfectly normal for your oil filled heater to do that. It's just the cooling and heating of it.

The metal is expanding and contracting causing the popping and cracking noises.

The same can happen with your house.

If you heat up the house you might hear creaking noises overnight or during the day as the house heats up and cools down.

Perfectly normal too.

I have one and it does the same thing.

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