Are there 52 weeks in every year?

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asked Feb 23, 2020 in Mathematics by mehero2 (310 points)
Are there 52 weeks in every year?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 24, 2020 by Adf289 (58,560 points)
Yes there are 52 weeks in every year.

Actually though we have 52 weeks and 1 day in every year which equals the 365 days we have in the year.

Well if you count the weeks in a month and multiply that by 12 months you would get 48 weeks instead of 52 weeks in a year.

However the actual weeks in a month do vary even though it seems that there are 4 weeks in every month which is not really true.

So we do have 52 weeks in a year and usually yes every year should have 52 weeks.

I used to think that we did actually only have 48 weeks in a year but I was told different by a friend who is a teacher.

I then studied up on it myself and yes there are 52 weeks in a year.

Because if you take 7 days which equals a week and multiply that by 48 weeks then you would get only 336 days.

But if you take 7 days and multiply that by 52 weeks then you would get 364 days but we do have one day over just 52 weeks in a year.

So we actually have 52 weeks and 1 day in a year.

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