How much does it cost to accept a collect call from jail on a cell phone?

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asked Feb 22, 2020 in Cell Phones and Plans by enetoearth (300 points)
How much does it cost to accept a collect call from jail on a cell phone?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 22, 2020 by Oliphant (6,990 points)
The cost to accept a collect call from jail on a cell phone is around 25 cents to 30 cents per minute.

It can vary from location to location and from cell phone provider.

Some may charge more than others for accepting collect calls from jail on a cell phone.

But most people report paying around $2.70 to $5.70 for a 15 minute call.

So while it's not very cheap to accept a collect call from Jail on your cell phone it's still not that expensive.

You won't be talking to the inmate for too long anyway because most if not all jails set time limits to the amount of time an inmate is allowed to speak on the phone to someone.

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