What happens if you give baby solids too early?

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asked Feb 19, 2020 in Baby/Newborn by grogonamission (340 points)
What happens if you give baby solids too early?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 19, 2020 by earthtomoron (420 points)
When you begin giving a baby solid foods to early they can choke on the foods and that could lead to death.

Always wait to introduce solids when the baby is actually old enough and ready.

When the baby gets to 6 months of age then they are usually ready to start eating at least baby foods that are pureed.

You can make homemade baby food as well by using a blender to blend up foods such as apples, bananas, pears etc.

Homemade baby food is much healthier and cheaper than store bought baby food.

My mom told me she made me a lot of my baby food which I seemed to like better than store bought baby foods.

When the baby gets enough teeth then they can eat other foods that are not pureed but until they get their teeth in fully they should mostly be eating pureed baby food.

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