Can babies choke on toast?

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asked Feb 19, 2020 in Baby/Newborn by grogonamission (340 points)
Can babies choke on toast?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 19, 2020 by earthtomoron (420 points)
Yes a baby that is under 1 year old can easily choke on toast even if you give them small pieces of the toasted bread.

So it's not recommended to give the baby toast until they are at least 1 year old but preferably you should wait until the child is closer to 2 years old such as 18 months and above before giving them toast.

You can give the baby that is under 18 months old small pieces of bread as long as they have enough teeth to chew the bread properly.

Always supervise the baby or toddler when eating the bread, toast or anything else.

But avoid giving a baby toast until they are at least over 1 year old and like I said preferably wait until they are at least 18 months old before giving them a whole toasted bread.

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