How often do you get gasoline for your vehicle?

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asked Feb 19, 2020 in Other-Cars/Transportation by grogonamission (340 points)
How often do you get gasoline for your vehicle?

I get gasoline and fill the gas tank up once per week when I get my weekly paycheck from work.

What about you?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 19, 2020 by earthtomoron (420 points)
I work from home so I don't drive that often.

I might drive once or twice per week to go into town that is 22 miles one way or go drive 11 miles to a friends house every few weeks or so.

I can get by usually filling up my car once per month but sometimes I'll fill up sooner if the gas tank is getting near 1/2 tank.

I always want to make sure I have gasoline in my car in case of an emergency though.

Because there can be times that gasoline may not be available during bad weather or emergencies and I may need to evacuate so it's best to keep the cars gas tank full.

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