Are motorcycles dangerous?

+1 vote
asked Sep 24, 2017 in Safety by Carter3 (12,290 points)
Are motorcycles dangerous?

I want to buy a motorcycle and learn to ride the motorcycle. How dangerous are motorcycles?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 25, 2017 by Larry S (42,350 points)
Motorcycles are certainly dangerous but not really anymore dangerous than driving or riding in a car.

Both can injure you seriously or even kill you.

If you operate the motorcycle correctly and not speed with it and wear you helmet you should be fine riding the motorcycle.
0 votes
answered Aug 24, 2018 by Eresr (460 points)
edited Aug 31, 2018 by Eresr

I don't think motorcycles are much more dangerous than bicycles or scooters. In any case, you must comply with the rules of road traffic. In order to maximally protect yourself, especially while you will learn to ride, I advise you to buy the appropriate equipment. You need to choose good helmet, jacket, knee pads. Now the Internet has a lot of useful information, for example, here are described in detail different helmets for moto, I think that this will help you choose. If you ride in the right equipment, don't violate the rules of the road, don't get drunk on a bike, don't exceed the speed, then I think that you will be safe. I had a scooter at 16, a motorcycle at 20 and the first car was bought at 26 years old. I'm sure that any vehicle can be safe if you don't violate the rules.

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