Is it hard driving in New York City?

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asked Feb 16, 2020 in Commuting by ore9067 (300 points)
Is it hard driving in New York City?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 16, 2020 by Larry S (42,350 points)
Driving in New York City is hard especially if you've never driven in New York City.

New York City from my experience has a lot of stop and go driving and it's usually in most cases and at most times bumper to bumper traffic.

So be prepared to drive slower and sit behind cars for awhile while driving through New York City.

I hated driving in New York City and it has been around 10 years now since I last drove through New York City.

The only reason why I drove through New York City is I really wanted to see New York City and thought it would not be too bad to drive through.

But I figured next time it would probably be better to rent a taxi and ride in a taxi.

It can also be hard to know where to go if you've never been to New York City before.

So it can be easy to get lost driving through New York City.

A Taxi driver would know there way around so it would be best to pay for a Taxi if you've never been there.

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