Do I need to transport cargo through customs? How to make it profitable?

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asked Feb 9, 2020 in Employment & Careers by noah015 (2,500 points)
Do I need to transport cargo through customs? How to make it profitable?

2 Answers

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answered Feb 9, 2020 by nikol (2,230 points)

Is it worth it to use the services of a customs broker and what advantages it gives, I advise you to read the blog . Of course, these are additional expenses that you will incur. But think about how much time you can save. When you have a business or just want to quickly and guaranteed to receive the goods on time, then this service gives such an opportunity. I value my time and for me this service really benefits.

0 votes
answered Feb 10, 2020 by Dgoy (280 points)
A customs broker benefits when you make big purchases. Then it is profitable, and if your purchase consists in the usual sending from Ali Express, then I do not think that you need to use such a company.

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