How do you change an active toddlers diaper?

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asked Jan 16, 2020 in Toddler/Preschooler by Rebekau898 (300 points)
How do you change an active toddlers diaper?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 17, 2020 by Cathy21 (85,770 points)
When a toddler becomes active it can become a bit harder to change the toddlers diaper as they are too busy playing and not interested in laying down to get a diaper change.

When changing an active toddlers diaper always try to change the diaper at a set schedule as the toddler will or should become used to the diaper changes at certain times of the day and be ready for the diaper change so it's not a surprise to them.

When my kids got to a year and beyond they could sometimes go 3 hours between diaper changes unless they pooped the diaper.

So I would set a timer for 3 hours after I changed their diaper and then 2 hours in I would check the diaper at least feeling it through their pants or looking at the diaper if I had them in just their diaper.

When the diaper started getting full it would swell up and become squishy and sometimes it was easy to tell through the pants or by looking at the diaper when they were wearing just the diaper.

In the house I would mostly have the toddler wear nothing but a diaper for easy diaper checks and diaper changes.

Sometimes I would have to change the toddler standing up unless it was a poop diaper and then I would lay them down to change their diaper.

I would also use the shower to shower any poop off of the toddler before putting them in a new diaper.

Give the toddler something to play with while you change their diaper and remind them about the diaper change before you actually change them.

If the toddler is sitting on the floor or couch and needs a diaper change then get a changing pad and their new diaper and change the toddler wherever they are.

That way they are not interrupted as much.

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