Having Diarrhea cramping but can't poop?

+1 vote
asked Sep 22, 2017 in Other- Health by Ry821 (410 points)
Having Diarrhea cramping but can't poop?

I'm starting to get cramping in my stomach like I'm ready to have Diarrhea but when I go to the toilet I can only poop a little bit and nothing much comes out.

I feel like I'm gonna crap my pants until I get to the toilet and then I sit there and nothing hardly comes out.

I then get off the toilet and go do something else and then I feel like I'm gonna mess my pants again and I then again run to the toilet and I only poop once and I still have the Diarrhea cramps but unable to poop?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 22, 2017 by vhu (380 points)
That happens to me too and the only thing I find helps is just time.

I've tried drinking some prune juice and it helps a little bit but not much.

After a few days the cramping in my stomach is over.

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