How do people in Alaska deal with winter?

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asked Jan 11, 2020 in Weather by libutterflie (300 points)
How do people in Alaska deal with winter?

2 Answers

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answered Jan 11, 2020 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
I've never been to Alaska in the winter or anytime of the year and I would not want to visit or live in Alaska during the winter.

I see pictures and then look at the winter weather temperatures in Alaska and it stays below freezing most of the winter for the highs.

Denali Alaska had a -30 F for the high a few days ago and I could not imagine living there in those temperatures and the heating bill has to be huge as well.

I would hardly ever get out of my house in Alaska and I rarely get out of my house here and it's only 13 F right now.

I guess people adapt out there and bundle up and get used to it as well as the darker days and the cold weather and they use mostly heating oil to heat their homes and stay inside a lot.

Although some people have winter sports they like to do like Skiing which keeps them active in the winter in Alaska.
0 votes
answered May 14, 2020 by Ulrich Kippenberger (2,300 points)

Well I guess people of Alaska just wear warmer clothes than people in New York and other states. In winter they spend more time at home watching TV. In general people in cold cities and countries love winter sports more like ice-hockey etc. Some are trying to win money on sports betting so that they can not just spend time watching TV but get something useful from their passion.

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