How long does it take to climb the stairs of the Empire State Building?

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asked Jan 10, 2020 in Polls/Surveys by ookie12334 (420 points)
How long does it take to climb the stairs of the Empire State Building?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 11, 2020 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
In the Empire State Building there are 1,576 stairs to climb from the bottom of the Empire State Building to the Top of the Empire State Building.

The time it takes for a person to climb from the bottom of the Empire State Building to the top of the Empire State Building depends on how fast you can climb and how fit you are.

Some people may be able to climb the stairs in the Empire State Building in 10 to 15 minutes while other people that are less fit and climb the stairs more slowly may take 30 to 45 minutes and sometimes as long as an hour.

So if you stop to take a break which you probably would you could expect at least 30 to 40 minutes to reach the top of the Empire State Building taking the stairs.

However only on certain dates are the stairs in the Empire State Building open to the public but at other times the stairs are closed to the guests.

So on those dates you have to use the elevator which is better anyway.

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