How long does house electrical wiring last?

0 votes
asked Oct 9, 2016 in Maintenance/Repairs by Grt3 (240 points)
My house is 30 years old. I'm wondering should I be looking into replacing the electrical wiring inside the house at this age?

How long does house electrical wiring typically last and when should I replace it?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 10, 2016 by Mechanic21 (29,150 points)
If it's the newer romex with plastic covering then it should last around 100 years without problem.

If it is romex with pvc covering then I wouldn't worry about it. The copper wiring itself will last 100's of years it's the covering "insulation of it" that is what breaks down over the years.

If it's still in good shape then I'd just leave it be. No since fixing something if it's not broke.

Rewiring a house can cost thousands and walls will probably have to be torn into to get at the wiring.

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