How much should dog grooming cost?

+1 vote
asked Sep 20, 2017 in Dogs by Trudie (250 points)
How much should dog grooming cost?

My dog is in need of grooming but I'm not sure if I can afford to have it done right now.

How much do dog groomers usually charge to groom a dog?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 20, 2017 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
It could be higher depending on the State you live in and what the groomer actually does and how big your dog is.

But typical dog grooming cost are $30.00 to $100.00

And if the dog groomer comes to your house or place where the dog is then the cost can be more.
0 votes
answered Jan 11, 2022 by assinmypain (790 points)
Dog Grooming costs between $30.00 to $100.00 but sometimes it can be $150.00 depending on the dog and the dog groomer.

It's recommended that a dog should be groomed every 4 to 6 weeks or at least every few months or so depending on the dog.

Some dogs need grooming more often than others so it can vary.

Dog groomers recommend brushing at least 1-3 times a week and bathing at least every 1-2 months.

Any dog grooming should mostly be light trims around the face, ears, paws, and sanitary areas every 4-6 weeks.

And typically, wire-haired dogs should not be shaved down as their coat may grow back softer and a different color.

A Shih Tzu should be groomed every 6 weeks or even once per month.

A Shih Tzus hair grows quickly, and should be trimmed every 4-6 weeks, so you (and maybe your groomer) can try out different looks and lengths for your pet.

If your dog groomer has done a good job then you should tip the dog groomer if you want too.

There's no requirement to tip a dog groomer like some waitresses or waiters you're required too.

However if you can afford to tip the dog groomer who did the job and if they are working for a dog grooming company and are working based on salaries from the employer then tipping the dog groomer is a good idea.

You should tip the dog groomer at least 15 percent of the price or even 10 percent.

Even a small tip goes a long way to help the dog groomer who did the job.

How Much Do You Tip Dog Groomers?

Tipping can be tricky, but when you're given a service, you should always reward it with a little bit of cash.

15% is a good place to start.

If someone did an okay job, as in they didn't go above and beyond but you're satisfied with their service, a 15% tip is reasonable.

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