Is it ok to put your kids in diapers for car trips or long visits?

+1 vote
asked Dec 22, 2019 in Kids Health by innocantki (350 points)
Is it ok to put your kids in diapers for car trips or long visits?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Dec 22, 2019 by Jaybird (12,310 points)
Anybody can wear diapers when they need to or want too and even older kids.

If your kid wets the bed at night and falls asleep on the long car trip then they should wear diapers for road trips to keep their pants dry and your seat dry in the car.

I had my kids wear diapers on long car trips when they were 6, 7, 8 and even 12 years old when they were wetting the bed.

My kids once had an accident and peed in their pants on a car trip during the day and it took some cleaning to get the pee and pee smell out of the car.

So after that I had them wear diapers when going on long car trips where we couldn't stop often enough to use the restroom.

They were reluctant at first but I explained to them that they would be much more comfortable wearing diapers than wearing wet pants or having to hold their pee in until we found a restroom.

I let them know that if they needed to pee and we were not near a restroom then they could just pee in the diaper and change it when we stopped or when it got full enough.

They wore pampers size 7 diapers when they could fit in them at age 6, 7 and 9 years old and then I bought them Youth disposable diapers online which they wore.
0 votes
answered Dec 22, 2019 by LiliChuffer (2,210 points)
It's OK to put your kids in diapers for car trips or long visits when you think they may have an accident.

However you should not force the potty trained kid to wear a diaper if they don't want too wear the diaper.

But if the kid will wear a disposable diaper while on a road trip or long visit away from home or at a place such as Disney Land, a fair or other event then it can help.

When on long road trips you should still stop often enough for the kid and yourself to use the restroom and stretch their legs.

But if they need to pee and they are wearing a diaper and you can't stop then it's okay for the older kid to wear the diaper and pee in the diaper.

Diapers are not just for babies and are made and sold for all ages and if the kid or even yourself needs to wear diapers then there's nothing wrong with it.

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