How low should I let the gas level in my gas tank get before filling up again?

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asked Dec 18, 2019 in Other-Cars/Transportation by Dklustman (200 points)
How low should I let the gas level in my gas tank get before filling up again?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 18, 2019 by Essmann (42,860 points)
If you have the money to get more gasoline you should always fill the gas tank back up when the gas gauge reaches 1/2 of a tank.

That's what I do is once the gas gauge reaches 1/2 tank I fill it back up and sometimes I'll top off the gas tank and put it back to full even after the gauge moves just slightly away from full.

I like to keep my gas tank full so I never worry about running out of gasoline.

There's always the chance that there could be a natural disaster or other emergency and I need gasoline to either evacuate from the area or leave to see family etc.

So I always keep my tank full most times and go to the gas station and fill the tank back up when it reaches 1/2 of a tank or sometimes sooner.

If you can't do that then you can fill up once the gauge is nearing empty but it's best to not wait that long.

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