Are you born with singing talent?

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asked Dec 18, 2019 in Music by AndyMA (300 points)
Are you born with singing talent?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 18, 2019 by LoisTAnderson (580 points)
When it comes to singing professional that singing talent is something that someone is born with.

That person who can really sing good like that was born with the right vocal cords to be able to sing that good.

For example I cannot sing very good at all but I'm not terrible but my brother has a good singing voice where he can sing most songs and make it sound like Alan Jackson, Merle Haggard, Randy Travis, George Strait, George Jones etc.

He doesn't want to become a professional singer though even though I'm sure he could make it as one.

He doesn't want the fame and all that and likes his Privacy and he has a good job that he likes.

Being a professional singer is not all that great even though you do get paid a lot.

You have to deal with getting your picture taken a lot, dodging fans, being on the road a lot etc.

To be able to sing really good and professional like many of the talented singers that are on the radio etc that singing talent really is a gift.

No matter how much you might practice singing if you don't have the voice for it then you won't be able to sing that good.

Most people can learn to sing simple songs pretty good but to sing really great is a talent that someone  is born with.

So you have to be very lucky to be born with a great singing voice to become talented enough to be a professional singer that gets signed on by a record label.

If someone in your family has a great singing voice then you might inherit that singing voice as well.

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