What can you do if someone withdraws money from your bank account?

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asked Dec 15, 2019 in Law & Legal by Wathenrobin (300 points)
What can you do if someone withdraws money from your bank account?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 15, 2019 by Prigen (12,000 points)
If someone has withdrawn money from your bank account without your permission you need to immediately contact the bank and have them shut down your debit card and issue you a new one.

The bank will them investigate to hopefully find out who has withdrawn the money from your bank account and you also need to make a police report.

Go to the police station or call the non emergency phone number for the police station and make a report on the money stolen from your bank account.

If the bank finds out who has stolen the money from your bank account then they might be able arrest the person if they are found.

If you know who withdrew the money from your bank account let the police know and the bank know.

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