How many gallons of jet fuel does a 747 hold?

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asked Dec 14, 2019 in Aircraft by 717vgy7 (320 points)
How many gallons of jet fuel does a 747 hold?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 14, 2019 by Avarado (27,930 points)
A 747 aircraft holds approximately 63,000 gallons of Jet Fuel in it's fuel storage.

The 747 aircraft needs all that fuel because the 747 aircraft burns 1 gallon of that Jet fuel every second it's flying in the air.

The 747 aircraft will burn 5 gallons of fuel for every minute that the plane is flying in the air which is a lot more fuel burned per minute or hour than a car or truck or even a bus or semi gets.

So if you think your fuel mileage is bad try operating a 747 and keeping it fueled up.

The 747 aircraft has a range of 7,790 nautical miles on that fuel tank when it's full.

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