Can you spoil a baby by holding too much?

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asked Dec 10, 2019 in Baby/Newborn by cvanc98 (300 points)
Can you spoil a baby by holding too much?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 10, 2019 by linda (29,790 points)
You cannot spoil a baby by holding them too much.

In fact holding them as often as you can is the best thing you can do and when the baby wants to be held and wants your attention you should hold them.

Babies grow up so fast and before you know it they will be in the toddler stage and little kid stage and then kid and teen and adult stage.

Then you'll be wanting to hold them again wishing they were still that little baby that you could hold in your arms.

Babies should be held when they want too and it only lasts for a short time before they grow up.

If your baby cries and wants you to hold them then do so without any guilt because you're not doing the baby harm by holding them too much.

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