Will Sesame Street ever end?

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asked Dec 7, 2019 in Television by Bogartmani (300 points)
Will Sesame Street ever end?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 7, 2019 by LiliChuffer (2,210 points)
Sesame Street might end in another 20 years or so but I would be surprised if it does.

It's likely that the Sesame Street should will continue for another 50 years at least.

Sesame Street is an overall great show that is both good for kids and adults so they appeal more to both and not just one age group.

A lot of adults including myself enjoy sesame street and can't wait for it to come on TV and I watch it on Youtube as well.

Watching the old clips of sesame street is also good and makes me laugh with Grover, Fat Blue, Bert and Ernie etc.

Christ Knowings on Sesame Street is also a funny actor and I love when Elmo, Telly etc watch him in the bathtub and catch him singing.

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