Can I recycle aluminum pie plates?

0 votes
asked Dec 7, 2019 in Green Living by Bogartmani (300 points)
Can I recycle aluminum pie plates?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 7, 2019 by LiliChuffer (2,210 points)
Aluminum pie plates and other aluminum cooking sheets can be put in your recycle bins and they will usually take them for recycling.

I put my aluminum pie plates and aluminum baking sheets that are disposable in the recycling bin and they've always taken them.

I'm not sure if it actually got recycled or not but at least it maybe does and if not oh well.

I've heard that aluminum pie plates are hard to recycle and not everyone takes them or recycles them but most places do.

I've tried dropping some off to a scrap yard with some aluminum cans though and they said they didn't take them so I had to bring them back home.

But a recycle container at your home should take them.

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